Friday, April 1, 2011

Orange Cuties

ds501 - Orange

Dog Blog Post #282: Oops... fell asleep on the sofa, so this will have to be brief (sorry, Wendy, the rundown on Family Dog II class will have to wait until tomorrow!)

The Daily Shoot assignment was:

Make a photograph dominated by the color orange today.

... and I was really happy with what I got until about 30 minutes ago, when I finally got a chance to look at them on the computer. I have no idea what went wrong, but they weren't nearly as crisp as they should have been.

Perhaps I had pushed a wrong button somewhere. My little camera doesn't have a lot of buttons, but the ones it has are small, and it's easy to get the wrong thing if you aren't paying enough attention.

Quite disappointing, actually, as I thought the blue background with the orange Cuties was really going to pop. :(

ds501 - Orange

ds501 - Orange

I chose the first shot, since it looked the most "orange" in thumbnail form, but I probably like the middle shot the best.

(I did have one of BOTH dogs, with the "Cuties" box in between, but I just wasn't crisp enough to upload. I guess that makes the Missing Skill of the Day entirely mine!)

© 2011 BZ Training - All Rights Reserved


Greyhounds CAN Sit said...

Gee, you're hard on yourself! They all pop to me, lol. But I know next to nothing about photography:( Love them all.

Amber-Mae said...

OH I love the bright orange colour on that bright blue background. It's so pretty! Did Henry get to taste test any of those tangerines?

Kiyi Kiyi said...

I love that 3rd picture where he is looking at the box and it says cutie. He is a cutie!

houndstooth said...

I think you're being way too hard on yourself over this one. I think the oranges look great with Henry, there. You mentioned wanting the oranges to pop, and I think they do, but a darker shade of blue fabric might have helped to get more of the effect that I think you were going for.